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The peer network that started it all!

Our monthly peer forums are home for 1,000+ founders and teams via the system we created, called "Upteaming."

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Our Upteaming system is helping 1,000+ founders and teams achieve their goals. →

Members say our Upteaming System is making them ~50% more productive.

Started by four-time founder, Ben Baldwin, we've grown from 6 to 1,000+ founders and teams in only 2 years

No One Succeeds Alone

Our monthly Peer Forums match 25-50 leaders from different companies into confidential breakout groups of 3-6 peers, based on each person's #1 challenge.

Ben ignited The Founder City Project, which gathered [its first] 200 founders to sign up and commit to a confidential forum group/community in a very short period of time. I am lucky enough to be in the same forum with Ben over the last couple of years.  I would highly recommend working with him.

When people ask me what The Founder City Project is and why I'm a part of it, I like to say "It's this thing that saved me." From great business advice to kinship with a small peer group that you can trust with your life, Founder City has made founder life way less lonely and way more successful.

Allen Lau
Founder/CEO of Wattpad

When you declare that you’re founding a company, a whole new dimension of Toronto opens up to you. The best part? The Founder City Project. I trained and joined a peer group of eight incredible founders. Our monthly meetings are my secret for staying sane. It’s a safe space, completely confidential, and without it, being a founder would be a much much much harder job than it already is.

Tami Zuckerman
Founder of VarageSale

Huda Idrees
Founder/CEO of Dot Health

Scott Weber
Developer Lead at Shopify

Founder City helped me better understand the importance and application of self-awareness within senior management teams and ongoing feedback are key to driving company growth.

The Founder City Project helped me face my ego and crush it so I can help others build the world, while giving me the confidence and skills to lead. The skills really gave me the courage [I needed].

I was a bit skeptical coming into the in-person class last week, but then was pleasantly surprised. I thought it taught really useful skills, and I was blown away at how useful the [peer] groups were, even across different industries and experiences.

Nathan Monk
Sr. Strategist, Growth and Scale at MaRS

Susana Ponce-Froment
Vice President of Credit at FundThrough

Chris Hadfield
O.C., O.Ont., M.S.C., C.D. (Ret’d) Astronaut, Space Shuttle veteran, Soyuz pilot, Commander of the International Space Station.


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