Founders and teams sharing experiences...

Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

I have found Upteaming very effective for my department of Product Managers [because it] provides a framework to work as a coordinated team while providing a safe environment to collaborate.

Tai Toh, VP, Product

Product Teams

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Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

I was a bit skeptical coming into the in-person class last week, but then was pleasantly surprised. I thought it taught really useful skills, and I was blown away at how useful the groups were.

Scott Weber, Developer Lead

Engineering Teams

Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

[I would recommend Upteaming to] teams of people that need to create clarity for other teams (hubs) under highly dynamic circumstances/volatile context. Having a clear process/ritual, preferably moderated by a neutral/objective person helps.

Erik T'sas, VP Product

Growth Teams

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Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

I would recommend this to any team. It helps understand:1) everyone's vision of the future, 2) what motivates them, 3) how they see themselves. This latter part is perhaps the most eye-opening, as it teaches you the relative challenges of connecting the dots...

Nick Cahill, Director, Success

CS + Sales Teams

Statflo Logo
Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

Super valuable on 3 levels: 1) it allows people to problem-solve together; 2) not giving advice and experience-sharing allows question-askers to come to their own conclusion about how to best solve their challenges; 3) it allows people to not feel alone, but to feel supported instead.

Candice So, Senior Communications Manager

Marketing Teams

Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

[Upteaming] builds trust, creates the need to work together, and reiterates the common goal. This creates better focus as a team. Since our first session the team already feels they know how to work as a well oiled machine.

Johnathan Holland, Founder/CEO

Ops Teams

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Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

Really thankful that you founded Founder City - so thankful for my forum group!

Eva Wong, Co-founder/COO

Founder Forum Groups

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Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

I trusted [Ben/The Founder City Project] and it's been probably the most impactful thing to me personally and to our business in the past year.

Andrew D'Souza, Co-founder/CEO

Leadership Teams

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Andrew D'Souza Upteaming

It was the most insightful session I have ever done.

Andrea Baptiste, Global Startups

Cross-Functional Teams
